Mobile-Friendly Webpage- WordPress Development Agency London

The numerous benefits of WordPress are compelling every other business and individual to give it a try. The cost effectiveness and quality of this wonderful system go hand in hand and WordPress development agency London are masters of it.

So, is your website mobile-friendly? Don’t worry, this blog post will help you make your WordPress site friendly on all devices.

Here are a few tips to make your WordPress website more responsive for smartphones!

WordPress development agency London.

Theme – WordPress Development Agency London

Before we move on further, please note that all themes available on WordPress are mobile-friendly. WordPress is a serious system and our WordPress Development agency London knows this about this superb CMS system, and the creators have every factor in mind. This is why the themes of WordPress are designed for all types of devices. 

On your WordPress dashboard, there are many options. You must locate the ‘appearance’ option and go to ‘themes.’

The theme of a website plays a crucial role in its success. You must have encountered boring themes and instantly run away from inferior websites. 

Types of Themes 

When you select the ‘theme’ option from appearance, you can use the filter option to choose from some categories. These categories include free, partner, included with starter, included with explorer, and woocommerce. WordPress development agency London is ready to briefly talk about these:


The free themes are available to all sites on WordPress.


These themes are available with a purchase of a creator plan or higher.

Included with Starter

The themes included in starter are somewhat the same as partner themes.

Included with Explorer

Available with explorer plan or higher.


These are for online stores. Require a creator or entrepreneur plan.

Theme Search

There is another impressive option on WordPress: the theme search option. The people here at WordPress development agency London wants you to know that this is different from the previous options in that you can search themes by name or features.

But that is not all. On any plugin-enabled plan, you can search from the user-created themes from the community themes. Examples of these are Astra and Ocean WP.

Theme Options

When you want to apply the theme, click the theme thumbnail, and the info section will be displayed. From there, you can preview the theme and activate the theme you have selected.

Style Variations

In WordPress, some of the themes can be stylized. This means that the font and color can be changed according to your liking. In the lower right corner, you will be able to locate some circles. When you click these circles, you can change the color and font of the theme. The experts here at WordPress development agency London take special care while creating the perfect webpage for you.

Preview in Editor

There is no separate mobile editor on WordPress. In order to add content according to the theme you have selected, you will have to edit in the WordPress editor. Take extra care that the content looks good on all devices in order to make the website mobile-friendly.

When the content aligns on all devices, and a mobile-friendly theme is selected, meaning that it is according to the content and looks good, it is good for mobiles, too. This is known as the responsiveness of the website. You can then click on Preview and select mobile or tablet to get an idea of how the website will look.

Responsiveness – WordPress Development Agency London

The responsiveness of the website can be affected by some other factors as well. You will have to be careful with images because if an image contains some text, it can get cut off from the screen of some devices.

In simple words, if an image contains text within then it will be not responsiveness.

There is a way out. Adding text from the editor will make the website responsive. But don’t stress out! We at the best WordPress development agency London will handle all issues and make sure that you get the best website.

WordPress development agency London.

Overlay Menu

Another important point if you want to make your WordPress website responsive is to use the overlay menu. The overlay menu is also known as the hamburger menu or kebab menu. 

It is safe to say that not only are kebabs and hamburgers delicious, they can help websites with mobile-friendliness as well.

The Importance 

Websites should be mobile-friendly—this is not a luxury but a dire need of this era because most of the people own a smartphone nowadays in every corner of the world.

The user experience of a website hints a lot about its quality and performance. You can predict the traffic by evaluating the user experience. But why are we mentioning this? Because mobile-friendly sites provide the best user experience. You can access them on the go as well. 

But that is not all. The grandmaster (Google) also likes webpages that are mobile-frienidly. This simply implies that mobile-friendly websites rank perform better on search engines  including Google and have an edge over their non-mobile-frieeans that mndly counterparts.


WordPress is a great asset for many businesses and individuals. The cost-effectiveness and the features make it the only option for those users who want something amazing on a budget. 

Mobile-friendly web pages not only perform better but are also liked by search engines such as Google. 

Tips to make wordpress webpages mobile-friendly include the selection of the perfect theme, third-party frameworks, and the right editing.
Are you having trouble building the perfect WrodPress website that is mobile-friendly? We at Techaspec are the royalty of WordPress. Get in touch with us to discuss further about how we can help you with webpages that flourish. The blood and sweat of our team has made us the best WordPress development company in London. Don’t wait!

Some of our work in the Mobile-Friendly Webpage- WordPress Development Agency London industry.

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